Up North film, logo and symbol
Client: Up North film Agency: Superblaise
Volt Film, Gammaglimt and Faction film, three prominent Norwegian documentary film makers has joined forces to become Up North film. They focuse on feature documentary films for Norwegian and international audiences, read more here.
The primary logo is built up in a widescreen format, with a star slightly outside the imagined frame surrounding the name. The star symbolizes the north star, traditionally used by travellers for guidance. The proportions of the logo and the tiny star gives a wink to good old film strips with perforated holes. The symbol, or secondary logo is meant to be used as a complement to the primary version. For example in social media, where there is not always room for the primary version. It can also be used as decoration on notebooks, pens and other gadgets.
The font used is Lab Grotesque by Letters from Sweden.