Åsbergets gårdsmejeri
Client: Åsbergets Gårdsmejeri
This is a design proposal for a dairy producer, it is a complete redesign.
All the products has got a story of its own, on the cheeses made of goat´s milk adventurous goats are
illustrating the names of the cheeses. It jumps out of a volcano at the "Eyafjallajökull" cheese, soars like an eagle at "The grey eagle", and is displayed on a mountain top with the fangs of "Count Dracula". Cowsmilk-cheeses
are illustrated with cows: at "Rocka fett" a rock concert is held, "Mountain cheese" pictures a cow climbing
a mountain, and so on. The labels form large mountains when displayed together. The project was awarded with an Honorary prize at Packaging Mid Sweden Award 2010 and Nominated for Kolla! 2014

Pictured above are examples of the labels before the redesign