Ål reiseliv, #vierskifolket
Photos: iStockphoto.com and Ål reiseliv
This website was made for a campaign called "Vi er skifolket/We are the ski-people". 150 signs with photos of local up and coming cross-country skiers where placed along ski-tracks in the area Hallingdal in Norway. Skiers were encouraged to take selfies with the signs and post on Instagram with #vierskifolket. In doing so they participated for winning a luxury stay at a resort in the area, the website and signs informs about this campaign.
I worked in a team with a communications advisor, a graphic designer and a webdesigner. I designed the website in close collaboration with a graphic designer colleague, and independently designed the illustration and quite
a lot of social media posts based on the design from the website.
The font used is Avenir